DigivibeMX- Vibration Analyzer & Data Collector
Digivibe Wireless Vibration Analyzer and Data Collector is replacing analyzers all over the world. Its’ easy connectivity and fast data collection times make it the most convenient solution for vibration analysis today.
Digivibe products are the most fully functional vibration analyzers on the market. They integrate advanced functions for Vibration Analysis and Dynamic Balancing with new Triaxial Wireless technology, making them more portable and versatile. Furthermore, their compatibility with current mobile devices make them very easy to use and ultra-portable. Meet our improved functions for bearing and gearbox analysis and our new Machine Learning tool!
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Product Overview
DigivibeMX® - Vibration collector and analyzer with Wiressless Technology
Vibration Analyzers have never been so portable. Our Triaxial Accelerometer communicates with mobile phones and computers in real time. So, DigivibeMX® is able to generate an FFT of more than 1 Million lines of resolution. Additionally, we created apps for iOS and Android that complement and communicate with each other, and the best thing is that they are all included in the package.
4 Versions:
DigivibeMX® Phantom™
Free version when you purchase any Phantom™ kit!
Get the benefits of vibration analysis through our Phantom™ Condition Monitoring System. It provides access to trends, analysis tools, vibration alarms, information transfer between databases and access to your EI Analytic™ account.
DigivibeMX® M10:
Portable Balancer: Includes all Balancing functions + basic Vibration Analysis functions like FFT, Time Wave Form, Harmonics, etc.
Use our Soft Bearing Suspension balancing method to obtain accurate balancing without using test weights. The Balancing Wizard will make this process a very simple task.
DigivibeMX® M20:
Vibration Analyzer: Includes all vibration analysis functions like Routes, ODS, FFT, Bearing and Gearbox analysis.
Access to our Machine Learning tool to generate customized alarms for your machine and transfer files from WiSER Vibe Pro with QR Connect.
DigivibeMX® M30
All of our tools in 1 software!
Vibration Analysis + Balancing + Condition Monitoring: Contains all the available features in DigivibeMX® different versions, including 3D ODS simulations, Dynamic Balancing, Phantom™, Machine Learning, connection with WiSER Vibe PRO and more.
SQL database support
DigivibeMX® is compatible with SQLce, MySQL, SQL Server and SQL Azure. So, creating and visualizing your machine information is a very simple process.
Our intuitive interface will allow you to create your machine structure easily, add your bearings and gearboxes. Assign alarm values for your machines and with the visual indicators you will be able to detect important vibration, acceleration and acceleration envelope information.
Get to know the 3D experience in our vibration analyzer DigivibeMX®
Vibration analysis with 3D models!
Use our 3D library or upload your own 3D model for ODS (3D movement and deformation simulations).
3D vibration simulations have never been so easy to do. You can include them in any route and run them with one click. Interpretation is very easy, even for inexperienced users.
Create routes and identify your machines with a code
DigivibeMX® creates QR codes automatically!
Scan the code with our vibration analyzer to take measurements or consult important information about your machines. It just couldn’t be easier.
Smart Vibration Analyzer – Machine Learning
Don’t know the right values for your machinery?
Let our vibration analyzer learn from your machines. With the Machine Learning feature you can define a learning period for Velocity and Acceleration Envelope. You can create customized Severity Alarms and soon you will be able to receive e-mail notifications for these alarms.
Analyze your Bearings with DigivibeMX®
Our vibration analyzer includes a bearing database of more than 25,000 items. With their dimensions and failure frequencies, it will help you to easily and accurately diagnose the condition of your bearings.
Some specific frequencies are directly related to the geometry of the rolling elements. These frequencies are continuously monitored by our software to warn of possible premature failures in order to avoid unscheduled downtime.
Collect data on your smartphone. Vibration Analyzer in the palm of your hand.
Record routes on your phone or tablet with the same quality, at no cost. Your data will be uploaded automatically to the cloud or via QR connect directly to your DigivibeMX® local software…and you can analyze it on your mobile, computer or directly from your browser.
Share your cloud data with your customers
Create your free EI Analytic™ account, collect data and analyze it anywhere from your mobile devices.
With the cloud platform you can share your information with anyone, it’s free. Your customers will be able to check the status of their machines whenever they want. Even view spectra online.
Use your smartphone for balancing
It is your choice, whether you balance with your computer or with your smartphone, our free applications (WiSER Vibe PRO) for balancing have the same quality, giving you the ability to see spectra in and share the recorded data with your other devices to analyze and generate reports.
Balance in the filed or on a balancing machine
Use your computer or your smarphone!
Our applications have all the tools for diagnosis and balancing, share the information between them by email, QR Connect or through the cloud so that generate your reports. Additionally, we created the Balancing Wizard method for soft-bearing balancing machines which does not require the use of trial masses.
Balance Wirelessly
Just attach a laser sensor to our Wireless Accelerometer and use it on your computer or mobile phone for balancing. You will find that it is safer, more comfortable and much faster. When you are done, share the files to your computer for reporting.
Bluetooth angle meter
We offer a unique wireless angle meter on the market. Place it on your shaft and our vibration analyzer will automatically calculate the position of the counterweight by just rotating the rotor.
Our angle sensor connects via Bluetooth to DigivibeMX® to make it easy to position the correct weight at the right angle. Place it in front of the shaft and align it with the mark on the RPM sensor.
The rest is up to us.
4 Channels nalaysis with DigivibeMX®
Do you want to record 4 channels simultaneously?
Our wired interface and wireless accelerometers are capable of simultaneous 4 channels recording. Hence, you can use it to measure phase between all of them, or simply to make routes faster.
Examine the data collected in DigivibeMX® and analyze your data with our tools.
Change your without loosing data
Is your tablet damaged? Do you want to update your PC?
Just change it, the license is already yours and the software can be installed on any computer at no additional cost. Our system makes your replacement cost as low as simply buying a new commercial computer.
We know that computer equipment does not last forever. Therefore, our system does not require a unique “Brain”. Additionally, the software can be installed in 2 additional desktop computers to make the analysis job easier.
Vibration analyzer with advanced functions
Our vibration analyzers also have advanced functions such as:
- Bode diagram
- Nyquist diagram
- Circular Time Wave Form
- Cross Power Spectrum
- Frequency Response Function
- Multichannel phase analysis
- Analysis of very low speed bearings
Condition monitoring, colector and analyzer
Need to identify changes in the behavior of your machines?
Our Phantom™ Condition Monitoring System will allow you to have better control of your machine information. Set up email or smartphone notifications, create trends and measure parameters such as current, RPM, temperature and more.
Compatible with local databases, our EIAnalytics™ cloud and Modbus TCP/IP.
Compare parameters using the DigivibeMX® score
What is score?
Score is a unit created to give a color to a machine. Being:
- White: Not taken, not recorded or machine stopped
- Green: Good
- Yellow: Satisfactory
- Orange: Rough
- Red: Unacceptable
For the software to be able to compare different units, or for the user to be able to compare different units (i.e. Velocity vs. Amperage), Score is also determined by a number. Somewhat comparing apples with pears. In fact, Score works as a number within the software and just plotted as a color for the end user to see it. The corresponding color to value applies as follows:
- White: < 1
- Green: Between 1 and 2
- Yellow: Between 2 and 3
- Orange: Between 3 and 4
- Red: Above 4
How is score calculated
When configuring a machine, the user will set the value for each color alarm starting from Yellow. It will be understood that any value below Yellow alarm will be Green.
To understand this better, please watch the following example:
Let’s say we have a machine named “machine 1” to which we assign some alarm values for velocity in the following way:
- Yellow: 1.8 mm/s
- Orange: 2.7 mm/s
- Red: 7.0 mm/s
System Requirements
- Processor: i3 (or above)
- RAM: 8GB
- Hard disk space: 2GB
- Windows 10 (64bit)
- Internet connection (for activation)
Case Study
This is a case study that shows how EMC Wireless Remote Condition Monitoring powered by PHANTOM® ERBESSD technology can detect malfunctions, changes of condition from the norm, root cause, component frequency fault, prevent catastrophic failure and eliminate the problem(s).