Windriver eLxr Pro I TME Systems

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eLxr Pro - Commercial Enterprise Linux for the Cloud-to-Edge Continuum

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Elevate your eLxr project deployments for mission-critical and data-intensive workloads, including AI, ML, and computer vision, with the confidence of enterprise support, maintenance, and services.


As edge compute capabilities advance and edge systems gain additional features, an expanding gap is emerging between the far edge system (data generators) and the core data center (data aggregators/consumers). While many organizations face this challenge, different industries need to solve it in unique ways.


A new, adaptable approach is needed, one that is true to the spirit of open source and is community-driven, providing consistency across edge and cloud deployments.


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Product Overview

eLxr Pro brings commercial enterprise support and maintenance on top of the eLxr community distribution. Together, eLxr and eLxr Pro address challenges presented by today’s cloud-to-edge deployments through:

  • Support for base eLxr operating system and cloud-native components
  • Flexible and long-term support options
  • Ongoing security monitoring and updates
  • Industry-standard compliance and certifications
  • Performance and throughput optimizations for the latest hardware accelerators
  • Access to experts and consultative services


Introducing The eLxr Project 

The eLxr project is a community-driven effort dedicated to broadening access to cutting-edge technologies for enterprise users seeking reliable and innovative solutions that scale from cloud to edge. The project produces and maintains an open source, enterprise-grade Debian-derivative distribution called eLxr that is easy for users to adopt and that fully honors the open source philosophy.


  • Upstream-first approach: Debian’s governance is sovereign, the community is open to anyone, and its mission is to create a free operating system to assure software freedom.
  • Cloud-native ready: Hardened Debian packages are to be supported in container-based images and runtimes.
  • Performance optimized: Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) server-class hardware support covers standard x86 systems today, with more systems planned in the future and prioritization for silicon-based accelerators.
  • Security hardening: Debian provides default package configuration for every package and maintains continuous security throughout package lifetimes.
  • Compact and extensible footprint: Compact and right-sized Debian packages are used in thousands of real-world scenarios and are adaptable for a variety of industry sector–specific requirements.


Product Applications



Enhance vehicle functionality, improve operational efficiency, and deliver innovative services that meet the evolving needs of drivers and passengers. Excel at vehicle-to-everything (V2X), traffic management and optimization, fleet management, and telematics.





Optimize resource utilization, improve service delivery, and drive innovation in areas such as virtualized networks, content delivery, and enterprise communication services. eLxr is ideal for virtual radio access networks (vRANs), content-delivery networks (CDNs) both for video on demand (VOD) and radio access network (RAN) intelligent controllers, and enterprise videoconferencing. Take advantage of real-time kernel capabilities for better determinism requirements when deploying in highly regulated high-availability environments.





Enhance scalability, security, and reliability, leading to improved patient care, operational efficiency, and organizational resilience. eLxr is ideal for surgical robots, imaging equipment, smart hospital infrastructure, emergency response, patient analytics, and telemedicine. eLxr Pro adheres to regulatory standards such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Wind River is committed to the mandate for open technologies.



Industrial Automation

industrial automation -windriver

Harness the power of cost-effective, agile, reliable, and secure technologies to drive digital transformation and achieve operational excellence. eLxr is ideal for predictive maintenance, factory-private 5G, environmental monitoring and compliance, data storage and analytics, and supply chain management.



Aerospace and Defence 

aerospace _ defence-windriver

Enhance operational efficiency, safety, and mission effectiveness. Excel with target detection and recognition, command and control, logistics planning, and electronic warfare. Path to certification for FIPS 140-3, STIG, and NIAP/Common Criteria EAL 4+.

Product Benefits

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eLxr Pro is available for two deployment types, servers and edge devices.

It supports eLxr-based solutions optimized for high performance, small attack surface, hardened security features, certifications, and ruggedized attributes when deployed commercially.

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