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Large-Scale Electromechanical Power System Real-Time Simulation


Power grids are increasingly stretched beyond their limits by renewable energy sources, overcrowding of networks facing exponential growth, as well as highly-enmeshed networks and new HVDC interconnections. This dramatically increases the operational complexity and control/protection demands of these grids.

ePHASORSIM excels at simulating extraordinarily large mixed T&D networks in real time thanks to its powerful phasor domain solver, helping engineers to study transient stability phenomenon and test the integration of EMS/SCADA systems. It outperforms as well at wide area protection and control schemes (WAMPAC)–or to train system operators with Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulations true to the real grid.


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Product Features

ePHASORSIM Helps Power Labs and Research Facilities to Focus On:

  • Real-time transient stability simulations for systems in range of 100,000+ nodes
  • Wide-area control/protection/state estimation algorithms
  • EMS tools and algorithms, such as AGC and load shedding
  • PMU streams and PDC applications
  • System studies with massive numbers of renewable penetration
  • Design and test local controllers, such as voltage regulators
  • Advanced metering and information network
  • Impact of load profiles in distribution networks


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