m+p VibControl Software

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m+p VibControl Software

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Industry-Leading Vibration Controllers for Vibration and Shock Testing

m+p VibControl vibration controllers for advanced vibration control and shock testing from 4 to hundreds of input channels are used by many of the leading environmental test laboratories throughout the world. The endusers appreciate the intuitive operation, the extensive analysis and reporting functions, the numerous upgrade possibilities and, of course, the excellent stability and high quality level of the m+p vibration control systems. Applications range from normal to very extreme conditions, and also include rough transportation circumstances.



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Product Features


Vibration Controllers from m+p international: Key Features to Your Testing Success

  • Reliable investment protection with many upgrade paths for vibration testing and shock testing

  • Full range of excitation modes available

  • Compliant with all relevant industrial standards (MIL-STD 810, DIN EN 60068, et al.)

  • Full test item protection during closed-loop control gives you confidence in the system

  • All current Microsoft Windows (32-/64-bit) operating systems supported

  • True multi-tasking for maximum test efficiency and safety

  • Scalable software and hardware from 4 to 256 channels with the same user interface and functionality

  • Vibration monitoring for maximum protection of specimen and equipment

  • Notching/Force Limiting for sine and random minimizes over-testing

  • Multi-monitor support for high channel counts

  • Test schedules and external hardware control with digital I/O

  • Selectable user interface languages


All Test Modes for Vibration Control and Shock Testing Supported


Vibration Test Stands incl. Shaker

In co-operation with renowned partners, m+p international provides complete vibration test stands (including vibration control system, computer platform, shaker, fixtures and accessories) and combined climatic and vibration test rigs. The m+p VibControl software provides high speed and stable control on electrodynamic and hydraulic shakers.


Closed-Loop Vibration Control

m+p VibControl offers accurate closed-loop shaker control and a maximum of built-in safety mechanisms which minimize the risks of damaging costly test items. Implemented tools and secure automation capabilities deliver maximum productivity and enable testing teams to meet critical deadlines.


Data Reduction and Acoustic Control for Aerospace

The m+p VibControl vibration controllers for data reduction with/without throughput and acoustic control testing in a reverberation chamber are based on the same user interface and hardware platform as the shaker control systems. Therefore they can be configured as a vibration control system by just adding software modules, thus highly reducing the purchase costs and operator training.
