Dragon Vision - Video Deflection Analysis
DragonVision™ - Motion Magnification Software
Incredible as it may seem, machine and structural vibration (or at least a large part of it) can be detected in a video recording with incredible resolution. Our unique video analysis algorithms make it possible to detect micro-movements and convert these movements into thousands of reliable vibration signals from just one video. In addition, with our software it is possible to perform motion magnification, making it possible to visualize vibration in ways that the human eye can’t see.
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Product Overview
The looking Glass Technique for Motion Magnification
This new technique, named The Looking Glass Technique, saves a huge amount of man-hours in studies that were even impossible before. Inspired by the iconic U-2 Dragonlady Spy-plane which has flown high altitude reconnaissance missions worldwide for more than 60 years DragonVision™ allows you to see what many cannot and take the necessary actions to eliminate the threat to your machines, and facilities. DragonVision™ is available for Microsoft Windows® as well as the Apple’s iOS operating systems.
What is the Looking Glass Technique?
The Looking Glass Technique is the Optical Vibration method used to obtain Meaningful Vibration signals from a video recording combined with a unique and trusted calibration method that utilizes a traditional accelerometer signal. It is a vibration analysis method that uses our unique micro motion tracking algorithm in video files. In fact, it is used today to detect and measure vibrations of thousands of points simultaneously with only one video recording.
The results of this type of vibration analysis depend on the quality of the recording. Likewise, the maximum frequency visible in the spectra is related to the number of frames per second that have been taken.
How does the Looking Glass technique work?
The smallest movement that this method can detect is much smaller than the pixel size of a conventional camera. So how does it work?
The principle of this method is based on the fact that, in a conventional camera, before an object moves from one pixel to another, it creates a small color change in the next pixel. In fact the color from both pixels change progressively until the object occupies entirely the next pixel sensor.
This method measures the changes in angularity and changes in the amount of color from each pixels (In fact from an entire area of pixels). First, the software identifies color patterns within small user defined areas. These patterns must have changes in angularity and color differences in order to distinguish it from the rest of the patterns. The target areas are found automatically by the software and the user can only modify some quality parameters and surface.
Second, for each video frame, the software will identify the average color changes on the targeted points and its corresponding area. Thus, being able to track small changes in each frame with great accuracy.
Finally, all that information obtained is translated into vibration signals like an FFT, phase, or time wave form for analytical purposes.
What is Dragon Vision™?
DragonVision™ Motion Magnification Technology is a Vibration Analysis software that tracks very small movements within ordinary video recordings. Through complex algorithms, DragonVision™ compares each one of the frames of the video looking for microscopic movements of specific points. Later, it subsequently converts the results into vibration signals. In fact, DragonVision™ can detect thousands of vibration points in a single video. Thus, making it an ideal tool for various types of vibration analysis that would otherwise take a long time to complete.
What kind of camera do I need for Dragon Vision™?
Any camera works for DragonVision™ for Windows. DragonVision for iOS utilizes the onboard camera from your iOS device and thus is limited to processing videos created within the same iOS device. Although, the better the quality of the recording, the better the results. In fact, tests made with a camera of an iPhone XS with slow motion recordings at 1 meter distance showed a resolution in amplitude of 0.1 thousandths of an inch (2.54 microns) and 120 Hz frequency (7,200 CPM). Which is very useful for 95% of common machines. Did you know that you have such a powerful vibration analyzer in your pocket?
What kind of failures can I detect using Motion Magnification?
There are many failures that can be detected with this technique. Mainly those related to low frequencies and phase. For example:
- Imbalance
- Misalignment
- Mechanical Looseness
- Bent Shaft
- Eccentricity
- Resonance
- Natural Frequencies (By bump test)
- Electrical Noise
Which tools do I have inside Dragon Vision™?
DragonVision allows you to use a wide range of vibration analysis tools. View the waveform and FFT of each point you detect in your video and use the most common vibration analysis tools such as:
- Harmonics
- Sidebands
- Band filters
- Windowing options
- Markers on the signal and many more
Case Study
Turbo Machine Case Study
Non-contact vibration analysis allows the user to find the most common fault with only a 2 minute recording. In this case study, DragonVision helped find the root cause of various problems found on this machine.