Wind River Studio Developer
Wind River® Studio Developer is a modern DevOps platform that accelerates development, deployment, and operation of robust mission-critical embedded systems for the intelligent edge. Purpose-built to solve the challenges that impede automation and DevSecOps approaches with embedded and intelligent edge applications.
- Rising Costs and Complexity
- Long Development Cycles
- Limited Hardware Availability
- Isolated Environments
- Difficult and Expensive Maintenance
ROI of Wind River Studio Developer
The modern DevOps environment can transform automotive software innovations into profits.
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Product Overview
Studio Workspace
Studio Workspace streamlines provisioning and configuration of development environments by enabling instant, on-demand creation of secure, fully configured workspaces in public or private cloud infrastructure. Accelerate time to value and boost developer productivity with faster onboarding and easier collaboration.
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Studio Pipelines
Studio Pipelines helps organizations reduce development costs and accelerate time to market by automating and orchestrating the workflows used to develop, test, deploy, and operate intelligent edge systems. Leverage the accessibility and elasticity of the cloud to improve collaboration and consistency throughout the application lifecycle, across geographically distributed teams and resources.
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Studio-Over-the Air-Updates
Studio Over-The-Air Updates increases development agility by delivering updates to fielded devices. Improve security with automated deployment of fixes. Reduce maintenance costs with fewer recalls and service visits. Extend device lifetime by upgrading efficiency and capability in software.
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Studio Test Automation
Studio Test Automation improves testing consistency and reduces costs by centralizing tests and configurations, packaging common tests and testing plans for use across teams and projects and integrating with existing testing and reporting tools to flexibly meet the needs of modern development teams.
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Studio Virtual Lab
Studio Virtual Lab accelerates development and release cycles by enabling earlier, more frequent and consistent testing. Leverage uniform cloud-based management of and access to simulated and physical hardware resources to automate embedded testing and maximize utilization of expensive development resources.
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Studio Digital Feedback Loop
Studio Digital Feedback Loop improves development agility and velocity by establishing edge-to-core feedback loops with flexible data pipelines and analytics. Improve product planning and identify revenue opportunities with real-time visibility into usage and conditions at the edge. Reduce downtime and prevent disruptions by proactively identifying maintenance and performance problems.
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Product Features
The Right Tools for the Job
Enable teams with an open, extensible platform that supports all the tools and operating systems that maximize their productivity.
Flexible installation options provide control over security and compliance, both in the public cloud and in on-premises infrastructure.
Standardize, Share, Collaborate
Reach market faster, at lower cost, by eliminating duplicated effort and streamlining communication throughout the application lifecycle. Studio Developer provides a common platform where developers, testers, and operators can build and share tools, resources, and configurations instead of each having to build, configure, and maintain their own.
Shift Left
Streamline release cycles by testing earlier and more often, reducing bottlenecks, and improving utilization of expensive resources. Studio Developer enables graceful sharing of test code, configurations, and simulated and physical devices in automated pipelines and across geographically distributed teams.
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Increase automation for more efficient, consistent, and predictable development cycles. Studio Developer enables centralized management of and reliable programmatic access to resources and offers flexible automated pipelines to orchestrate build, test, and deployment of operations at scale.
Monitor and Maintain
Reduce costs, prevent downtime, and capture new revenue opportunities with advanced analytics and flexible data pipelines that provide continuous visibility into conditions at the edge, even over intermittent links. Improve security and reduce operational costs by deploying updates over the air rather than relying on expensive recalls and service visits.
Achieve shorter development cycles, faster time-to-value, and longer device lifetimes with a more agile development process based on identifying and responding to user needs. Quickly build and deploy a minimum viable product (MVP) and leverage reliable edge connectivity for real-time feedback and A/B testing. Easily deploy updates over the air, improving user satisfaction and lifetime value of deployed devices.
Managed Services
Wind River Studio Developer is offered with a set of managed services that leverage the expertise and experience of Wind River’s Professional Services team to accelerate the adoption and integration of Studio Developer, as well as manage cloud infrastructure, operate the environment and maintain the security of the development platform through updates and upgrades.