Sound Level Meter Nor145

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Sound Level Meter Nor145

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The advanced Nor145 is our top range sound level meter / analyser. Easy to use thanks to its large colour touchscreen and intuitive menus.

Nor145 is a single channel unit optimized for easy connectivity to NorVirtual App,  NorCloud, NorRemote and Nor850, through the built-in WLAN and 3G/4G LTE modem.

Type approved in Germany, Switzerland and Austria and Portugal!


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Product Overview

Nor145 sound level meter with a 4.3” large true colour touchscreen, to serve you a user-friendliness that we know from our smartphones. Further features of the Nor145 is a 3G/4G LTE modem, GPS, onboard voice and text note editor, and connected to your smartphone via the NorVirtual App  you have full remote access to your instrument and can take photos and voice notes that are seamless transferred and integrated with markers to your noise data.  Nor145 can also be controlled via  NorCloud,  Nor850 software,  and NorVirtual for PC. NorConnect is the tool you use to download, view and generate excel reports of your measurements.


The Nor145 Precision Sound and Vibration Analyser is supplied with ½” preamplifier Nor1209 and the ½” measurement microphone Nor1227. It conforms to the latest revision of the following National and International standard including amendments, all type 1 / class 1; IEC 61672, IEC 61260, DIN 45657, ANSI S1.4, ANSIS1.11, and ANSI S1.43. It also conforms to the obslote sound level meter standards IEC 60651 and IEC 60804.


Measured Parameters

Simultaneous measurement of SPL, Leq, LeqI, LMax, LMin, LE, LEI, LPeak, Ln and Tmax5.
Time weighting functions: Fast, Slow and Impulse (Simultaneous).
Spectral weighting functions: A, C and Z – weighting (Simultaneous).
Frequency analysis: 1/1 and 1/3 octave real time filters from 0,4 Hz to 20 kHz.
Statistical calculations: 8 individual adjustable percentiles from L0,1% to L99,9%, The statistical calculations are performed in real time within each frequency band and for each profile period if period length is set longer than 2 minutes. Class width is 0,2 dB. Dynamic range is 130dB.


Measurement control

Overall measurement duration: 1 sec – 7 days. (If set to Repeat or Synchro mode a new measurement will be started automatically, with no time gap between each measurement.).
Time profile A resolution: 5 ms – 24 hours including full frequency spectra. From 1 sec if profile B or Moving is enabled.
Time profile B and Moving resolution: 1 s – 24 hours. A, C and Z – no frequency spectra.
Back erase in Pause mode: 0-20 sec free delectable graphical back erase.


Audio recording

12 and 48 kHz sampling rate / 8 , 16 and 24 bits / 0-120 sec pre-trigger.


Measurement range

One range covering 120dB without any range adjustments.
Self noise measured with 1/2” microphone with a nominal sensitivity of 50mv/Pa: 17 dBA.

Maximum RMS level 137 dBA, Maximum Peak level 140 dB PeakC.


Noise Generator

Built in noise generator with Sine, White, Pink and 1/1 and 1/3 octave band passed filtered noise.


Reverberation Time

Parallel calculation of T15, T20 and T30 in addition to Tmax for Noise excitation and EDT for impulse excitation.



Sampling rate: 48 kHz.
Frequency resolution: 1.46 Hz or 2.92 Hz (FFT size 8192 or 16384 lines).
Upper frequency: 22 kHz
Functions: Auto spectrum, linear averaging.
Acquisition rate: ~700 ms – no overlap.
Display: Dynamic display zoom 1 – to 64 in power-of-two steps.
Time windowing: Hanning



4,3” colour display capacitive touch. Protected by an anti-smudge coated and scratch-proof glass.



Built in GPS

Support for external IP camera. With an external IP camera, you can make event triggered pictures. Pictures captured during a measurement is marked as events in the L/t graph and can be viewed on the Nor145, in NorCloud or in NorReview.


Datastorage / Datatransfer

Storage modes: Manual, Auto, Repeat and Synchro. Synchro synchronise the start of the next measurement to the next full hour.
Internal memory: 350 MB – not used for measurement storage.
Micro SD card: Supports XC and HC standard. No limitation in max. SD card size.
Data transfer via LAN and USB.
Optionally built in GPRS – 3G/UMTS – 4G/LTE and Wifi infrastructure and hotspot.
Internal antenna supports 3G/4G. External antennas with diversity may be connected. External antenna supports also GPRS connection.



Microphone input: One microphone input. Supports standard 7 pin Lemo preamplifiers including SysCheck, Microphone heating, TEDS and IEPE.

Polarization voltage: 0.

Preamplifier voltage is ± 15V

Comment microphone: Via 3,5 pin mini jack.


Analogue outputs

AC out, 100mV full scale on 15 pin I/O socket.

3 pin mini jack headphone socket for replay of voice notes, listen to microphone AC signal or replay of audio recordings. Comment microphone for voice notes is connected to same plug.

Signal generator on 15 pin I/O socket with Pink, White, Bandpass filtered, sine and impulse noise.



Rechargeable 7 Ah Li-Ion batteries with built in fuel gauge.
External power: 9 – 15Vdc 3-5Watt.

Typical battery lifetime: 8 hours.

Dimensions (ex. preamplifier and microphone LxWxH): 235 x 82 x 29 mm.
Weight (including preamplifier and microphone): 535 g.


Accessories included (standard package)

Nor145, Precision Sound Analyser with A, C and Z weighting networks, Parallel time constants, Statistical calculation and time profile A.

Supplied with:

  • Rechargeable battery pack
  • Mains adaptor Nor345
  • Carrying case Nor1346
  • 32GB micro SD card
  • USB cable Nor4525
  • Microphone Nor1227
  • Preamplifier Nor1209
  • Windscreen Nor1451
  • Instruction manual
  • 3 years warranty and calibration certificate
  • Nor1051 NorConnect software for file transfer & measurement view
  • NorVirtual – sound level meter emulation program


Accessories not included

  • Spare parts as spare battery, windscreens etc.
  • Accessories like cables and outdoor microphones
  • Post processing software as Nor850 and NorReview
  • Accredited calibration from NCL
  • Extended warranty

Product Features

  • Class 1 Precision sound level meter and frequency analyser.
  • Easy connectivity via built in WLAN and 3G/4G LTE modem.
  • Large colour touch-screen (4.3”).
  • Real push keys for quick operation in challenging environments.
  • Intuitive user interface with graphical icons for selection of measurement mode and custom-made user setups.
  • On board Building Acoustic rating and evaluation.
  • Seamless integration with NorCloud and Nor850.
  • Voice, text notes and built-in GPS for documentation of the measurements.
  • Wide frequency range (0,4 Hz – 20 kHz in 1/3 octave band).
  • Parallel 1/3 octaves and FFT analysis.
  • 120 dB measurement range.
  • dB and engineering units (m/s² and m/s).
  • Extensive trigger system for reports, audio recording and camera.
  • Easy management of measurement files in NorConnect Nor1051.
  • Multi language support.
  • Extensive on-board help system.
  • Easy remote control via smartphone.
  • Type approved by PTB – Germany, LNE – France,  METAS – Switzerland, BEV – Austria


Product Applications

Selecting the different application is easy using the Application menu appearing after power on. You may also create own favorite setups indicated as smaller icons in the startup picture. Applications



Nor145 is designed to be the preferred tool for all types of environmental noise measurements.

Measurements with markers, audio recordings and event triggered pictures are easily made and synced to your project via the NorRemote app for your phone or tablet (android). The large 4.3” display gives you all the necessary information. Up to 60 measurement parameters may be logged simultaneously.


The advanced trigger system enables different trigger levels for Day, Evening or Night with event triggers to collect markers, audio recordings and pictures. The data can be displayed remotely in a web browser on any device, or by the NorRemote app. From the same remote device, you may change settings or simply check the status of your Nor145.

Nor145 is also optimised


  • Twin time profiles with resolution from 5 ms and additional Moving report with trigger possibility
  • Extensive trigger system for reports, audio recording, camera and digital output lines
  • Voice, text and picture notes
  • 5 independent event triggers (LDEN support).
  • Advanced marker management
  • Full remote control support via NorRemote app for smartphone, PC or pads
  • Seamless connection to NorCloud for unattended monitoring and reporting
  • 0-20 sec graphical back erase / pause function.
  • 0-120 sec Audio pre-trigger
  • Seamless integration to post processing-programs and Excel

Nor145 offer four different views.  You can customize each view as you like and rotate between the views using the VIEW button.

General analyser (environmental) mode has a selection of different display views. Portrait and Landscape. All Portrait views can either be a single or dual type frame.


Available views in Environmental / General mode are:


Sound level meter display


Level vs frequency (L/f) display single view – portrait


Level vs frequency (L/f) display single view – landscape


Level vs time (L/t) display single view – portrait


Level vs time (L/t) display single view – landscape


Dual view with L/t and L/f – split view


Cumulative and Probability Distribution Function /PDF) – landscape view

Nor145-PDF-view-landscape-300x300 - Copy

Cumulative and Probability Distribution Function /PDF) – portrait view


A numerical table is associated with all the graphical views – just press the TAB button to toggle between graphical and numerical view. Works both with single and split screen.

Nor145-FFT-300x300 _1_

Split view with FFT and 1/3 octave. The link cursor feature connects the cursor in FFT and 1/3 octave displays, making it easy to manoeuvre in the frequency domain


FFT (landscape) Displays the FFT spectra as landscape


FFT – Displays the FFT spectra


Graphical back erase in Pause mode. Move cursor to remove unwanted noise events and push continue to resume measurement.



Building Acoustics

Norsonic is known for its long-time tradition of creating the state-of-the art building acoustic analysers. The Nor145 sound level meter is no exception!

It can be used as a stand-alone single channel building acoustic analyser, or as a remotely controlled building acoustic frontend (wireless) for the advanced Nor850 multichannel software thru its hotspot feature.


The Nor145 offers a built-in signal generator for excitation of the source room level measurements or for excitation of the reverberation time measurements. The results are measured in accordance with the ISO 16283 Standard requirements. With additional background level measurement results, the Nor145 offers a on-board calculation of the final airborne sound insulation indices DnT and Rw in accordance with ISO 717. Of course, the similar possibility is available for impact sound insulation index Ln,w using a tapping machine such as the Nor277.

The reverberation time excitation may alternatively be based on an impulsive source. In any case, the Nor145 calculates the results for T15, T20 and T30 in parallel.

The Nor145 analyser is seamless integrated with the Nor850 software; either as a remote frontend to the Nor850 Measurement System, or for easy post processing in the Nor850 Reporting System.


  • Complete calculation of airborne, façade and impact sound insulation indices in accordance with international and national Standards
  • Wireless single or dual channel measurements using one or two Nor145 controlled from Nor850
  • Reverberation time measurements with parallel calculation of T15, T20, T30, Tmax and EDT
  • Ensemble averaging of reverberation decays
  • Backward integration of reverberation decays based on impulse excitation
  • User adjustment of individual RT decay lines
  • Signal generator with white, pink or bandpass filtered noise
  • Supports multiple microphone and loudspeaker positions with corresponding on-board energetic or arithmetic averaging
  • Project overview with information about all individual measurement details and project progress
  • Seamless integration with Nor850 reporting software

Building acoustics mode offers application tailored displays to secure a good work flow and control in your project.


Building Acoustics- Upper frame shows Receiving room level with background noise. Running L/t in lower frame to evaluate if unwanted noise appears in the measurement.


Building acoustic – rating view 1, calculated sound insulation together with the single number index


Building acoustic – rating view 2, numerical table to present the single number index along with the spectrum adaption terms.

BA_rating-view-3-300x300Building acoustic – rating view 3, all numerical results of the analysis plus a level overview graph.  BA_rating-view-300x300 Building acoustic – rating view 4, background noise vs. receiving room levels


Building acoustic – rating view, The # softkey toggles through specific source positions


Building acoustic – rating view, R’w rating


Building acoustic – RT view.


Two sample pictures out of several views offered for RT measurements.


Building acoustic – manual adaption of RT time is possible.




STI calculation based on the STIPA method

  • The STI mode supports the latest revision of the STIPA standard, IEC 60268-16 revision 5.
  • Additional features are background noise correction and auditory correction.
  • Background noise correction can be turned on/off.
  • Auditory correction gives a lower score on the STI value if the STIPA noise signal is too loud or too low. It shall normally be turned on, but the latest revision of the standard recommends it to be possible to turn it off in some special circumstances.
  • The built-in signal generator generates the STIPA signal.
  • A complete measurement sequence takes only 21 seconds.



STIPA mode is easy and intuitive to use. The display is composed of a fixed view with two frames. The upper shows each frequency band, while the lower shows the measured values including a bar graph.


STIPA – By selecting the lower part of the display and pressing the TBL button, the two modulation indexes for each of the STIPA-octaves will be displayed.




Download Datasheet




The Nor145 Analyser is designed to be expanded and upgradeable to give you a complete measurement tool for years to come. Norsonic’s retrofit policy ensures regular software updates with new features and new options followed by a 3 years warranty.

Nor145 basic unit includes A, C and Z weighting networks with measurement of Leq, LeqI, LE – sound exposure level, SPL, Lmax, Lmin with parallel detection of Fast, Slow and Impulse time constants, statistical calculation of Ln, and TMAX5. The measurement data is analysed as global values in addition to two parallel time profiles with an adjustable resolution ranging from 5 ms to 24 h. Voice and text annotation included.

Option packages:

Nor145 Advanced Level option kit (e.g. for ENV) containing option: 3, 4, 11, 12.
Nor145 Building Acoustic option kit excluded on board rating incl. option 3, 7, 8.
Nor145 Consultant package option kit containing option 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13.


Option 1: GPS and support for external IP camera

The GPS is used for position identification, and support for exact time synchronisation. Time synchronisation is especially useful when several instruments are used for capturing the same noise event, such as blast monitoring.

With an external IP camera, you can make event triggered pictures. Pictures captured during a measurement is marked as events in the L/t graph and can be view on the Nor145, in NorCloud or in NorReview.

The GPS position is stored as a part of the measurement file. It may also be set to be a part of the file name.

This option is not available as retrofit and must therefore be ordered along with the instrument.


Option 3: 1/1 and 1/3 octave band filters

1/1 and 1/3 octave filters (0,4 – 20 kHz in 1/3 octave band) including multi-spectre functionality in time profile A.

A 3-order analogue high pass filter with a -3 dB point at 3 Hz may be selected to avoid overloading the input circuitry from low frequency noise.


Option 4: Audio recording and markers

This option adds audio recording and marker management to the Nor145. On a Nor145 it is possible to playback and listen to the audio recording via headphones.

Option 4 also adds a sophisticated but easy to use marker management, indispensable for every environmental noise assessment task. The user can select up to ten markers, add names, colour and associate the marker to an action. The marker can either be a single or a toggle marker. The action can be; enable a reference tone, start a recording, take a picture or set one of the digital outputs found on the 15pin socket. It is easy to add markers on an ongoing measurement. Voice and text notes may in the same way as markers be added to an ongoing measurement. The markers can be moved or deleted. Markers may also be added as post processing on the instrument.

The Nor145 offers six system markers that are automatically inserted in the Level versus time profile. These are; Measurement Pause marker, Measurement continue marker, Audio recording marker, Picture marker (from IP camera), Signal overload marker, Battery low marker, Event trigger marker.

The Nor145 is seamless integrated to the PC program NorReview to further evaluate and calculate the noise data and to create customised reports.


  • 12 or 48 Khz audio recording sampling rate
  • 8, 16 or 24 bit audio recording resolution
  • 0 to 60 dB digital audio recording gain
  • 0 to 120 sec audio recording pre-trigger
  • Innovative marker management system


Option 7: Signal generator

Signal generator with sine, white, pink, band passed filtered noise.


Option 8: Reverberation Time decay and calculation of T20 anh T30

Reverberation Time decay and calculation of T20 and T30 based on impulse or noise excitation. (Requires option 3.  And option 7 if RT shall be based on noise excitation).


Option 9: Complete Building Acoustic mode

Complete Building Acoustic mode with microphone position room averaging in accordance with ISO 16283 as well as sound insulation indices calculated in accordance with ISO 717/1 and /2. (Requires option 3, 7, 8).


Option 11: Enhanced noise assessment package

Enhanced noise assessment package including internal web server for remote control via smartphones, pads and PC and additional four triggers for independent setting of different trigger levels during a day. Requires option 4


Option 12: NorCloud

With this option you are able to connect the instrument to Norsonic’s cloud service; NorCloud.

NorCloud is a Norsonic system to collect, display and process sound level data.

When used together with Nor150 sound analyser, you can measure, analyse and report directly from your web browser.

Create projects, assign sound level meters to projects and configure settings such as audio recording, SMS/e-mail alarms and automatic reporting.

Norsonic stores your data safely and conveniently, but you are of course free to download your measurements.


Option 13: FFT

FFT sampling rate is 48 kHz with more than 16000 lines. Upper frequency is 22 kHz. Dynamic zoom from 1 – 64. The FFT calculation and 1/3 octave spectrum works in parallel.

Nor145-FFT-300x300 _1_

Split view with FFT and 1/3 octave. The link cursor feature connects the cursor in FFT and 1/3 octave displays, making it easy to manoeuvre in the frequency domain


Option 16: Built in WLAN and LTE modem (Edge - 4G)

This option is not available as retrofit and must therefore be ordered along with the instrument.


Option 17: STI calculation based on the STIPA method

  • The STI mode supports the latest revision of the STIPA standard, IEC 60268-16 revision 5.
  • Additional features are background noise correction and auditory correction.
  • Background noise correction can be turned on/off.
  • Auditory correction gives a lower score on the STI value if the STIPA noise signal is too loud or too low. It shall normally be turned on, but the latest revision of the standard recommends it to be possible to turn it off in some special circumstances.
  • The built-in signal generator generates the STIPA signal.
  • A complete measurement sequence takes only 21 seconds.


STIPA mode is easy and intuitive to use. The display is composed of a fixed view with two frames. The upper shows each frequency band, while the lower shows the measured values including a bar graph.


STIPA – By selecting the lower part of the display and pressing the TBL button, the two modulation indexes for each of the STIPA-octaves will be displayed.



Nor345A Mains adaptor

Mains adaptor 100 – 240 Vac 50-60Hz, 12Vdc 1,2 A.
Supplied with Mains plug for destination country.


Nor4641 Portable power backup solution for Nor145

Nor4641, a cable with incorporated safety protections, that allows you to plug any 12V Jump Starter/ start booster for motorbike or car to power your instrument.


Sound Calibrator Nor1255

Nor1255 is a small battery-operated precision class 1 microphone calibrator generating 114 dB @ 1k Hz conforming to IEC 60942 and ANSI S1.40.


Sound Calibrator Nor1256

Nor1256 is a small battery-operated precision class 1 microphone calibrator conforming to IEC 60942 and ANSI S1.40.
The combination of two different levels and two different frequencies allow both level linearity and frequency linearity to be verified. In addition the sound calibrator measures the environmental conditions; air pressure, temperature and humidity.


Nor1261 Tripod adaptor

Nor1261 is a “clip-on” tripod adaptor for use with 1/2″ Preamplifiers. Tripod attachment threads is 1/4″.


Nor1262 Tripod adaptor, adjustable

“Clip-on” adjustable Tripod Adaptor for 1/2″ Preamplifiers. Both 3/8″ and 1/4″ tripod screws can be used.


Nor1346 Softbag for Nor145

Softbag in nylon with room for Sound Analyser Nor145, calibrator, and accessories. The bag is normally included in Nor145 deliveries.


Nor1434 windscreen, 90 mm

Wind Shield for 1/2″ microphones/preamplifiers. Diameter 90mm.


Nor1451 windscreen, 60 mm

Wind Shield for 1/2″ microphones/preamplifiers. Diameter 60mm.


Nor4514A AC output cable

Cable (2m) for connecting the AC output of Nor145 to external equipment such as power amplifiers etc.
Please note that the Nor4514 is replaced by Nor4514A. The A version is needed for use with Nor145.


Nor1408A Preamplifier extension cable

Preamplifier extension cable Nor1408A comes with Lemo connectors to fit directly in the measurement chain. The contact pins are gold plated and the connector housing is protected with a special rubber sleeve. This protects the connectors in use from moisture, dirt and bumps. The Nor1408A replaces the Nor1408. The A version is similar to the 1408 but has in addition added threads on the outer shell of the female connector to fix the lock ring on a Nor1206 and Nor1209 preamplifier. The cable is a general purpose cable suited for all preamplifiers following the Lemo 1B standard developed by Norsonic, such as Nor1201, Nor1203, Nor1204, Nor1206 and Nor1209 as well as preamplifiers of other brands.

Standard lengths are 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 meters. Special lengths on request. The /xx in the order code denotes the length of the cable.


Nor1408WW cable

This cable is designed for fixed installations in test chambers. It has the same pinout as a standard Nor1408 cable.


Nor1410A Microphone preamplifier cable 2m

Preamplifier cable Nor1410A comes with Lemo connectors to fit directly in the measurement chain. It features high quality connectors with gold plated contact pins. The Nor1410A replaces the Nor1410. The A version is similar to the 1410 but has in addition added threads on the outer shell of the female connector to fix the lock ring on a Nor1206 or Nor1209 preamplifier. The cable is a general purpose cable suited for all preamplifiers following the Lemo 1B standard developed by Norsonic, such as Nor1201, Nor1203, Nor1204, Nor1206 and Nor1209 as well as preamplifiers of other brands.
Standard length is 2 meter. For special length see Nor1408A.


Nor1438 Cable/Lemo

Nor1438 is a BNC to Lemo cable.
Having a length of 2 meters, this cable is a 3 mm thin and flexible cable with BNC connector in one end and a Lemo male in the other end. For connection of an electrical signal to a measuring instrument using Norsonic Lemo system.


Nor263B Hand switch

Remote hand switch with 5m cable for external triggering of start or audio recording (if applicable) on Nor145.